Monday 16 June 2008

One whole day on a train...

We decided to go to Lisbon, and we took a night train. It was an exprience. We had to wait 6 hours in a train station that was horrible. We passed the time by playing cards and sleeping and writing lists. Here they are...

Reasons train rides suck:
Seats that don't recline
Messages in French
Cell phones
Annoying Spanish girls who laugh and talk the entire train ride

Ways a 6 hour layover can seem so much longer than what it really is:
No English...anywhere
The infomation lady is rude and unhelpful
The cafe lady hates us for no apparent reason
The magazine man only sells porn
The benches are made out of rail road ties
The ticker that says trains are coming doesn't work.

Reasons why a unicorn would never want to vacation in Irun:
No frollicing space
Only beer and coffee to drink
Nothing magical about this place
No smiling...ever!
Only grumpy gnomes visit Irun
No color
No laughter
No love

Those are the lists that Shelbs and I came up with.

So now we are in Lisbon and Tucker's debit card doesn't work. So I get a phone card and call my mom and through the power of mom magic she fixes it and it works! She figured it out and the Eurail pass people decided to charge me twice for my pass. How wonderful. But before all that happened Tucker broke down and cried a lot.

I really miss home and a normal life. So Shelbi and I decided that we are going to spend the rest of the time we have here in London. Where we are familiar with thingns and where people speak the same language... sort of. I just think that I bit off more than I could chew with the whole backpacking thing. It will be a lot better once we get back to London and back to where thingns were normal...sort of.

But we have made plans to go to Ireland and use as much of our train passes as we can. I think we saw enough of europe for one lifetime. Maybe if I ever come back i will take that language and learn enough of it to get by. No one speaks English, and it is rough. Or if they claim to speak it, they only know like 4 things, left, right, toilet, and no.

Well later days.


aubrey said...

I wish I was in London with you. End of story. If you're looking for ways to use up a train ticket... just saying, Liverpool is awesome.

I love you guys!

lisa said...

never tire of your tales however... familiar can be comforting and comforting is neccessary sometimes. be great where u r for u r where u r because HE IS GREAT!!