Wednesday 18 June 2008


So today is our last day in Lisbon. And Shelbs and I tried to make the most of it. And we did! We got up and checked out of our room, because we had too and the english speaking lady was leaving soon... I think. So we put our bags in a locked room until we come back and get them for our train tonight at 22:00 or 10 pm. So we headed out into the city, just wandering. And we happened upon some interesting things. Many many many hills. And slippery side walks. And some Indians (I would say Native Americans, but they clearly aren´t from the USA, so I will be politically incorrect and call them Indians.) who were playing some really awesome music. We watched them for like 15 minutes and found a fountain and took pictures of that, and went to a bakery and had donut things, and then we walked through a semi park thing. And sat in the shade. It was good. Shelbs and I talked books and the history of Middle Earth. We also talked about Harry Potter and whether or not the movies were actually any good, or if we just liked the actors who played the characters. We talked about Johnny Depp, and then it was time for lunch. We ate at our favorite SNACK-BAR, again. We had fish sandwiches. They were good. Then we saw a boy with a swimsuit on and a towel, so we figured there must have been a beach near by, so we followed him. But soon he got way ahead of us and we lost him. So we walked, and walked, and walked. And we never found a beach, but we did talk about graphic novels and the importance of them in the normalcy of every college aged students life. Or at least mine and Shelbs'. So now we are out of the sun resting in our hostel that we already checked out of, and just looking at things online, like hostels and watching some really good Portugese television. Can it get any better than this? I think not... well actually it could. LONDON!!! But first it is an over night train to Madrid where we will spend 2 days exploring the city and then back to Paris for maybe a night then to Calais to catch a ferrie to Dover, and then we are back in the UK so it will be much better because everyone will speak English and we will be able to understand them... sort of. Well I will probably blog again when we get to Madrid, pray that our train ride is more pleasant than the last one! More than just 2 hours of sleep!

Later days! We love you all and wish you enough!

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