Thursday 19 June 2008

¡Madrid es muy bien!

So we got on our train last night and met another girl from California, and she was really cool. A lady asked us if we wanted this spray stuff she was giving to everyone, and at first I said no, and then shelbi said yes and the california girl said yes, so I was like ¨Why not¨and they laughed at me and made fun of me. The spray stuff was really refreshing and we had fun cause our seats were broken and the train guy came through and fixed all the seats by shoving them back into the wall. We laughed at him because he got smooshed in the door as he was trying to make his exit, he was trying to be all bad ass because he fixed the seat, but we all knew better. So we talked with everyone in broken spanish and english, but the main thing was that we were all laughing. So the train started moving, and about an hour into the ride cali girl (Veronica) asked us if we would like to go to cafe car and hang out there. I said yes and Shelbi stayed in the seats. So Veronica and I went to the cafe and had a drink. We had whiskey and coke (Mom and Dad, I like whiskey now!) We talked about life in general and what we were doing in Madrid. She is taking spanish and living there for 2 months. She was hoping to get up to London and I told here all the places to go, well the ones that I thought were worth seeing. We talked theatre and art and she is into lighting because she does landscape architecture. And that was really fun to talk about. But after our drinks we went back to our seats for the 10 hour train ride, that went a lot smoother than our first ride from Paris to Lisbon, so that was nice.

When our train arrived we parted ways, only to end up going to pretty much the same place. It was really fun meeting new people and I am starting to see that it really is a small world, and people are way more friendly then I thought. Well people from the states are more friendly, and I wonder why Europeans hate americans? I will never know.

Our hostel is really sweet!!! It is called PopHostel. And it is totally badass! It is hip and fun, and so many people want to talk about adventures and what to do and where you are from. It is just so wonderful. If only all hostels were like this. That would be beautiful.

So we talked to a guy from New Zealand and he was traveling the world for 5 months. And he showed us some of his pictures and they were ridiculously amazing. He is seriously gifted with camera skills. I could learn a few things from him. But he left earlier and is off to South America. So cool. Then we met an Austrailian girl who was here for the week and travelling. So that is cool.

Tonight the hostel is hosting an event where I think shelbs and I are going out dancing. We are going to try and get a hold of Veronica and see if she would like to hang out again. She is seriously cool.

Well... Later days!

We love you and wish you enough!

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